Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday, 10/11

Wait, I only have to shoot one TV show today? What kind of life is that?


As I've been mentioning, my life has been somewhat insane this month, with the past Friday and Wednesdays devoted to shooting “High School Bowl” segments in the morning and “Marquette @ 175” segments in the afternoon. That's why it seems strange that today I only have to shoot one TV show.

Oh, the problems in my life, huh?

Not only is that a first-world problem, but it's a first-world problem that most of the first world would never even have to deal with. That's made me think and, as we all know, that's a dangerous thing.

But if this is the biggest problem in my life I'm one insanely lucky dude.

I know I whine about how hectic things are, but if you had told the college-aged me that the adult me would be working in radio and starring on TV and on a daily basis write about everything from history to how I don't like hockey, I'm pretty sure the college-aged me would have said “cool”. Like most people of that age, I had no idea how my life would turn out. I had hopes, I had dreams, but I really had no concrete idea or no firm concept of how things would end up.

And all in all, despite all of my whining (and occasional lack of sleep), I'd have to say that things turned out quite well.

So maybe I should curtail the comments, whines, and occasional pity parties about the state of my life. As a great American (the one I'm married to) will say on occasion, “you have no one to blame but yourself”. As usual, of course, she's right. And in all honesty, the comments, whines, and pity parties aren't THAT big of a deal. They're being me.

And I have it on pretty good authority that if you'd would have told the college-aged me that the adult me would be happy, healthy, and creatively fulfilled, but a bit whiny about it, he just would have shook his head.

And said “cool”.

I'm off to be insanely lucky.  Have a great weekend!


(PS--I have Monday off, so back with something new Tuesday!)

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