Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday, 10/10

Since the “Best Of” I left with you yesterday dealt with a series of guilty-pleasure movies, maybe we should continue that theme today, if only because over the past few months I've (on occasion) been watching one of those movies that I know I shouldn’t, yet still keep watching it over and over.

Long-time readers of this blog may remember the little, uhm, “addiction” I seem to have to the movie “Smokey and the Bandit”. Whenever it’s on, I feel compelled to watch it all the way through, even though I know I’ve seen it dozens of times before and even though I know I’m probably killing off dozens of brain cells watching it again.

I just can’t help it.

Well, it now looks like there may be another movie that’s on its way to joining “Smokey and the Bandit” and the post "Gorija" Godzilla movies in the Jim Hall of Shame. That movie? “Urban Cowboy”.

Oh, the horror! The horror!!!

Like with “Smokey and the Bandit”, I don’t know WHY I do it, I just do it. Maybe it’s the over-the-top characters and dialogue; maybe it was the fact that I was in Texas for a couple of days right around the time they filmed the movie and I saw people like Bud & Cissy and the neighborhoods in which they live. Or maybe it’s the fact that Debra Winger was a babe in the movie. I’m not quite sure; all I know is that I’ve felt compelled to watch parts of it here are there over the past few months.

Why me?!?!?!?!?!?

Actually, I think that two good things HAVE come out of this whole “Urban Cowboy” situation. The first is that I’ve never ever worn a cowboy hat, and now realize I never ever will. The second is that I listened to Boz Scaggs again.

One of the few non-country songs on the movie’s soundtrack is the Boz Scaggs’ ballad “Look What You’ve Done To Me”, and hearing it in the movie reminded me that I really used to like the R&B-ish stylings of the 3-time Grammy winner. So Tuesday, while I was lifting weights, I pulled out his greatest hits CD and listened to tracks like “Lowdown”, “Breakdown Dead Ahead”, and “Lido Shuffle”.

That was nice; much nicer, in fact, than seeing people break bones on a mechanical bull.

I'm hoping that now that I've written about it, and have worked out whatever deep-seated psychoses make me do it, that watching parts of it here and there will not become a habit. With any luck, this whole thing will NOT turn into another “Smokey and the Bandit”-type situation. Because if it did. . .

Well, then I’d be staring at the screen, shouting out “Look What You’ve Done To Me” to the characters on screen. And that would not be a pretty sight...



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