Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday, 12/16

Who knew the gloves had it in them?

I've been wearing the same pair of winter gloves for, oh, five or six years now, and when I pulled them out for their first use this year I could tell them were starting to get into rough shape. Several of the fingers started to poke through, one of the buckles had fallen off, and well, look for yourself--

You know—typical gloves after being used in the UP for half a decade.

I bought a new pair several weeks ago, figuring that if my old gloves were deteriorated that much that I'd just wear them until they were unwearable and then switch to the new pair. But you know what?

My old gloves aren't going down without a fight.

Since I purchased the new pair the deterioration on the old pair seems to have stopped. I thought by now all of the fingers would have holes in them and the stuffing would be popping out everywhere. But I must have underestimated my old gloves. I don't know if they had some kind of survival instinct kick in, or they were weren't just as bad as I originally thought, but they're not giving up the ghost.

They're bound and determined to make it through a sixth Upper Michigan winter. They're bound and determined to have my new pair of gloves spend the winter in my apartment.

Those old gloves do not want to be put out to pasture.

So I'll keep using them. Maybe they'll last the entire winter. Maybe, like a star about to go nova, they're just shining a little brighter than usual before they explode. I have no idea; I just know that I now have another one of those strange games I play with myself to keep me sane during the six long months of a UP winter.

And don't worry. I'll keep you updated. It's the least I can do.


Have a great weekend!


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