Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thursday, 3/3

I'm wondering if we should do it or not.

I've been pondering the idea recently about doing something on the air about the upcoming second anniversary of the start of the Covid pandemic; specifically, about the initial panic and shutdown that followed. We're only a week or so away from the anniversary of that date, so it would either be now or wait for another year (or five). 

I'm thinking of opting for the latter.

To me, at least, it almost seems like it's too soon. We're still living through what the virus has wrought, and does anyone actually want to relive the first days of the pandemic?

I'd guess not.

While considering it, I went back and re-read the blogs I wrote during the first days of the pandemic, to try & get a sense of exactly what we were going through. I was using these as a personal diary of that weird time, and I have to admit—things changed quite rapidly, no one knew what was going on, and no one had any idea of what was coming from day to day. It was a strange time in which to live through, so would anyone actually want to live through it again?

I don't think I'd want to, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people would agree.

One of the things that struck me while going through the blog entries I wrote then was the (in hindsight) charming naivete that things would clear up before Loraine and I were scheduled to go to Germany at the beginning of May of that year. When the shutdown and border closings first occurred they were only supposed to be two or three weeks long, which meant that things should be reopened by the time we were scheduled to go. Well, it quickly became clear (to us) that it wouldn't happen, even if we had to wait almost a month before everything was officially not going to happen.

And, I wrote yesterday, it still hasn't happened.

So I highly doubt we'll be doing anything to mark the upcoming anniversary. Maybe next year, maybe the year after...maybe once we get some perspective on these astounding bizarre times in which we live.

I mean, I may actually have finished my (hopefully) long & fruitful life be dead by then, but at least we can plan on doing it some year in the future.



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