Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday, 3/25

I don't know why I'm doing it again. But maybe one of these days I'll figure it out.

I've written in here many times before about this weird habit I have, the habit of fixating on a song. Every so often I hear a song that does something to my brain, and I have to listen to it over and over and over. I don't know where that comes from. I don't know if the problem affects people other than me. And, most importantly, I don't know how to stop it when my “condition” flares up.

You know, like it has this week.

The song this time around is a smooth little piece of pop by Sabrina Carpenter (fun fact—she's apparently the “blonde girl” mentioned in Olivia Rodrigo's “Drivers License”, if you're into following the gossip about ex-Disney Channel stars) called “Fast Times”. It has a great groove, an amazing string (or synthesized string) section, and, like songs ranging from “Superstition” to Monsta X's “You Problem” it has taken up waaaaay too much space in my brain and won't leave.

You know, some days it's really not easy being me.

(And that, by the way, is a joke. I know how lucky I've been in my life, especially when you consider the state of parts of the world these days).

Anyway, I checked my iTunes program, and it shows I've listened to the song 84 times since buying it. Now, you may not think that's a big deal, but I bought the song, uhm, Tuesday. I'm writing this before going to work on Friday. That means since buying it I have listened to the song, on average, 28 times a day. At three minutes and thirty one seconds that means I have used up, uhm, a whole lot of brain time that could have been used doing something else. I mean, sure, I was listening to it while doing other things, but think what I could have accomplished if I devoted that brain time to a worthwhile project.

Heck, I could have probably solved the problem of cold fusion. Or world hunger. Or, at the very least, why I was wondering about Buddy Ebsen's head yesterday.

Oh well; I guess having that particular problem is one of those things that makes me uniquely “me”. I'm not saying it's necessarily a good thing, but it IS a thing. So in the spirit of sharing what makes me me, here. You can get the song stuck in YOUR head, too. Just be aware this particular video is not safe for work, if you know what I mean.

Have a great weekend. I know what I'll be devoting a little of my brain time to.



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