Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tuesday, 11/10

 Geez. Just how many people watch the show?

I was on TV this weekend. That in itself is not a big deal; after all, the show that I host for WNMU TV airs (when it's on) every Saturday night. However, I made a bonus appearance on another station a Sunday morning, and I'm amazed by the amount of people who mentioned they saw me on it.

Especially because I totally forgot doing it. But in my defense, I shot it the day before Election Day, and it seems like that was, what—eight months ago?


The show in question is “The Ryan Report”, whereas Don Ryan sits down and speaks with important and/or interesting people. I'm guessing he's run out of those type of people with whom to speak, because I was on the show, but we spent 15 or so Zoom minutes talking about radio, history, and the other TV show I host. And even though it's on at 730 on a Sunday morning, when a sane person should still be in bed drooling the drool of the righteous, I've had half a dozen people mention they saw me on the show, which means they were all awake at that hour AND watching “The Ryan Report”.

Who knew?

First of all, I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. I'm glad my babbling didn't cause you to throw things at your screen, and I'm sure Don appreciates the fact that you didn't turn it off halfway through looking for something better to do, like removing that one last piece of lint stuck between your toes.

So thanks.

Secondly, just how many people are awake and watching TV that early on a Sunday? It kind of blows my mind, because I personally would never be awake at 730 on a Sunday and, therefore, unable to watch TV. However, I'm just one person, and I'm apparently not normal in that regard. Apparently, a lot of people are up at 730 on a Sunday morning, and, apparently, there are quite a few of them watching “The Ryan Report”.

Once again, I guess I'm so far outside the mainstream that it's not even funny. Go figure.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words. All I did was stare into my laptop camera and answer a few questions, so it didn't require too much effort on my part. I'm glad the end result, though, made such an impression on the people who watch the show.

And apparently, that's quite the big number!


(ps—if you're curious to see what it's all about, here's the link—https://www.uppermichiganssource.com/2020/11/09/ryan-report-november-8-2020/ )

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