Friday, December 9, 2016

Friday, 12/9

Okay. It can stop now.

That I’m not a fan of winter goes without saying; anyone who’s ever read even just a few days worth of this blog knows that. But the type of winter we’ve been subjected to yesterday and today is just, well, beyond reason. We didn't get a lot of snow, but it’s soooooo nice stepping outside your door and having stinging ice pellets batter your face; it’s even better when you have to walk three blocks to work or (heaven forbid) try to run a couple of miles in it.

Sure, your face gets nicely exfoliated. Unfortunately, it also hurts like heck for the next 48 hours.

All in all, if I need a facial, I think I’d prefer a nice warm spa. Really, I would.

I tell you what, though. I’ll try not to spend the next few months whining too much about the weather. I’m sure you’re sick of it, and even though it’s one of the coping mechanisms I use, I’ll try and develop a new one. Maybe I’ll just keep asking a question every day.

You know, a question like, “Is it July yet?”

I’m sure THAT won’t get on anyone’s nerves, right?



And now, for something completely different.

Today on “Upper Michigan's Favorite Friday” we're trying to figure out Upper Michigan's favorite “Wacky” Christmas song ever. It was prompted by a couple of songs...that one about Grandma, Weird Al's “Christmas At Ground Zero”, and one I get a bunch of requests for every holiday season--

“I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas”.

Apparently, when it comes to never having heard the song before, I’m in the minority. As I’ve discovered with a few minutes of online research, there is evidently quite the cult that’s developed around the tune. And after hearing it for the first time, I guess I can see why. For those of you who haven’t heard it before, it’s kind of like the song “All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth”, except the kid singing it wants a hippo instead of teeth.

Two front teeth, or a hippo. There’s not much difference between the two, right?

Anyway, it's one of the songs that prompted today's vote. If you haven't heard it yet, or like many people fondly remember it from your childhood, check it out!

Have a good weekend. Stay warm!!

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