Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday, 4/17

I was thinking the very same thing.

After yesterday's entry, I received a note from daily blog reader Jordan of Marquette, who had a thought. Jordan is of the opinion (the same as I) that almost everyone is probably sick of the snow, and that if I posted pictures yesterday of the crud that keeps coming and keeps coming, shouldn't I today post pictures of what's to come? She noted I've been trying to keep an optimistic tilt to the most pessimistic of weather situations, and you know what?

I couldn't agree more. In fact, before I received Jordan's note, I was thinking that maybe I should pull a few shots from a hot summer day and see if could tilt Mother Nature's mojo. Because, as you know, she and I are on speaking terms, and she listens to everything I say.


So on that note, even if Mother Nature doesn't listen and even if her mojo isn't tilted, enjoy these. The crap we have can't last forever, and soon we'll be enjoying living in weather like this--

And this--

And this---

And this--

Remember—these pictures prove this crap can't last forever!!

Tomorrow, the story of an unexpected gift.

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