Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wednesday, 10/23

I keep forgetting that not all of you have read every one of these over the past eighteen or nineteen years. My bad.

This came up because of a nice note I received yesterday from semi-daily blog reader Cassandra from Ann Arbor, a former Marquette resident who stumbled upon these little things just a couple of months ago. Cassandra's like a a lot of people who read this—they either comes across this and start reading it, they've read it in the past, stopped for a bit, and then started again, or they read for a week or a month, skip a week or a month, and then start up again. There are some of you who read this every day, and then there are some who flit in and out.

And that's fine. That's cool. I just need to remember that.

Cassandra, after reading yesterday's babble, wondered just what the heck a “Jim Koski ™ History Center tour” is. Because she hasn't been reading these for a long time, she was a bit understandably confused as to what I meant. And that's my fault. Oftentimes, when I'm using a running joke like the phrase “Jim Koski ™ History Center tour” I'll explain what it is for people who might not know. I didn't yesterday, that's why Cassandra sent the note, and that's why I have to remember to do it.

So for the benefit of Cassandra, and anyone else who might wonder just what the heck I was talking about yesterday, here's what a “Jim Koski ™ History Center tour” means. It's a slightly sarcastic phrase we came up with a few years ago to describe the types of things I do for the History Center. Most people think of a history program as dry & boring, but when I do one, it usually seems to be anything but, especially if it involves killers, hookers, bootleggers, or any combination thereof, which most (if not all) of mine usually seem to do. So if you were confused as to what I meant, Cassandra, that's what I meant.

And now you're in on the running joke. The next time I employ one, I'll be sure to explain what I mean!

Speaking of a “Jim Koski ™ History Center tour”, I know have the list of everything else I'm doing next year aside from the “North-South”. Let's just say it's gonna be a busy 2020. And let's just say that there are a few things to which I'm looking forward. Hope everyone who attends these things will, too!

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