Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday, 10/10

TV and a newspaper article yesterday, an award and a speech today. Tomorrow, sadly, might just be a boring old day.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

As I've written in here a few times the past few weeks, my life has taken a surreal turn recently. Weird things keep happening, things that might be the highlight for someone for their entire year yet are things that I seem to be dealing with on a daily or weekly basis. After all, when I go to bed tonight I'll be thinking that “all” I have to do on Friday is host a TV show and do five hours of radio.

I live a weird life.

As I've written in here a few times the past few weeks, I really shouldn't be complaining about this. If you're gonna have a problem, it's not a bad problem to have—people using you as a resource, or giving you an award, are things that don't rank very high on a list of world problems these days. And I feel fortunate that I live the life I do. It just seems...weird that it's happening all at once. Someone who's opinion I respect just called it a payoff for a decade or more of hard work, and that may be the case.

But I didn't do it for the payoff. I just do what I do because I like it.

Anyway, the latest things that have blown my mind? How about a Mining Journal article dealing with street names in Marquette, and from where they came. Since I did a program about that very subject for the Marquette Regional History Center six or seven (or however long ago it was) years ago, I was the first person Trinity called when she wanted to write it. I just gave her a few pithy quotes; how they filled up all those newspaper column inches is beyond me.

Apparently I babble about history a lot.

Speaking about babbling about history, that also led to that little award I'm being given today. Thankfully, it's not just me; the Marquette Beautification and Restoration Committee is giving nine or ten people & organizations their annual awards (and a free lunch). As I mentioned after I found out I was being honored by them, I have no idea how my name came up, other than the fact that I babble about old buildings, parking lots, and the old buildings that used to sit on them.

I'm thinking that's why I'm being given the honor. Either that, or the stories I tell about hookers & drunkards made a much bigger impact upon people than I thought.

Like I said, I know I shouldn't complain about all this, and I really AM grateful for the recognition. It just doesn't seem...right. It seems otherworldly, like I'm watching the story of someone who vaguely resembles me and vaguely does the same stuff I do. But as Loraine keeps reminding me, it really is happening, no matter how surreal it seems.

So I'm off to get an award in a couple of hours. I don't know that I deserve it, but I'll accept it and take it as the honor it's meant. Even if it does mean my life's been getting quite surreal recently.

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