Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday, 10/7

I made a great discovery while out on my long, meandering run Saturday—

I found out you can see over 100 discarded beer bottles and cans lying around the streets while spending an hour and a half running through Marquette.

Yes, I know I should’ve saved that for a “Weird Fact”, but I just thought I’d share it now. And I can’t say I’m surprised by the discovery; since I line in and frequent an area of Marquette that has its fair share of, shall we say, people of the partying age, I’ve heard quite a few gatherings where, I’m innocently guessing, beer was consumed. In fact, there’s one house, just down the street from mine, where Saturday I noticed almost two dozen cans just tossed out on the front yard or into the street. And seeing as how it’s also a house from where quite a racket emanated Friday night, I’m gonna guess the two are somehow connected.

Call it a hunch.

That brings to mind two things—the first, which I don’t wanna admit, is that I once again may have started upon the slippery slope toward cranky old man-dom. Pretty soon, I’ll be standing at a window, staring and muttering under my breath, “Those kids and their loud noise. Someone should do something about that”!

In other words, I’ll be like my dad.

(Sorry, Dad. I couldn’t resist!!)

The second is this—when I was in college (back in the 1800’s) the people with whom I lived, when they had a party, returned the empties, so they could buy more beer to have another party. They just didn’t toss the empties out in the street, to let anyone walk away with the fruits of their drinking. I mean, shouldn’t you get more out of a party than a hangover and an ongoing relationship with the police? Sure, it’s only a couple of dozen cans, but that’s still almost two and a half bucks. You can buy part of a pizza or three pages of a textbook with that.

Kids these days, I tell ya.

Anyway, like I said, if you ever need any extra cash, I know where you can (literally) pick it up, if you want. Use that knowledge however you wish

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