Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Tuesday, 9/13

You know, it would be one less thing to worry about.

At T minus 13 days before we (hopefully) leave for Germany things are starting to kick into high gear. I've started working as far ahead as I can at work, after the North Marquette walk tomorrow night I won't have any History Center stuff for a few weeks, and I've already started to try and decide what goes where in luggage, backpacks, and carry-ons.

Plus I'm wondering about the blogs.

Here's the deal—as you may recall, every time (at least in the Before Times) we went to Europe I'd write a blog on a nightly basis about what we did that day. People seemed to enjoy it, even if it did seem (at least to me) to be a little humble-bragging about what we were doing. But seeing as how it's been three and a half years since anything like that I'm starting to wonder--

Do I need to do it any more?

There are several points behind my pondering the question, not least of which is the fact that we have no idea whether or not this trip is either going to come off as planned or even come off at all. We could find ourselves stuck at Heathrow Airport for four days or find ourselves stranded in Berlin or Chicago the entire time. We just don't know.

Not only that, but we're not actually doing much this time around, other than flying, going to a soccer game, and hanging around an (admittedly cool) city for the rest of the time. Would that really interest people? Of course, without a lot of concrete plans for the days we're there I would have the extra hour or two it takes to put one of the blogs together, so...

See why I can't decide anything yet?

Thankfully, I still have a couple of weeks left to make that decision, as I probably wouldn't be able to write anything until we get to Leipzig on that Wednesday anyway (especially because, the night before, we now don't get into Berlin until very VERY late). If you have an opinion on the matter, please let me know, as I don't write them for me, I write them for anyone who wants to read them.

So vote early, and vote often. Your voice is the one of the most important as I ponder whether to do these again or not. Thanks!


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