Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday, 9/19 eyes can stop watering any day now.

When I was young I used to suffer from rather severe hay fever twice a year (spring & fall). But one of the few good things about getting older, I've discovered, is that allergy problems, at least for me, have fallen way off. I no longer have any sort of problems each Spring, and for the past few Autumns I haven't noticed much of anything happening at all.

And then there's this Fall. For the past week or so, my eyes have been watering like a fire hydrant left on during a hot Summer's day. And also for the past week or so, I've had a non-stop low-grade headache centered right behind my eyeballs. My nose hasn't in any way been stuffy, but over the past few days I've noticed you could actually hear all kinds of roughness in my voice. In total it's not quite as bad as what I suffered through as a younger person, but it's not that far off, either.

I have no idea why it's hit me with a vengeance this year. I don't know if it's the fact that climate change has changed the way things go around here. I have no idea if all the Covid and flu vaccines I've been getting recently triggered my immune system on some strange way. And I have no idea if, for some strange reason it's psychosomatic, what with us leaving for Germany a week from today and hoping against all hope the trip actually comes off as planned. All I can say is...


I really hope that it's just an anomaly brought on by upcoming travel. I really hope that our increasingly screwed up climate hasn't caused my annual bouts of hay fever to return. But when we did travel (you know, n the Before Times) I never seemed to have the allergy problems that I do right now. So if the problems HAVE been caused by the weather, let's hope they've just been caused by our weird weather year, and not by our increasingly weird weather patterns.

After all, I suffered enough when I was young. I'd really dislike having to do it again. So if you see me walking down the street in the next few days with tears running down my face, realize that I'm not weeping in joy at seeing you (although I probably AM weeping in joy, at least inside). It's just my stupid sinuses getting their revenge for some inexplicable reason.


By the way, I suppose I should mention that the two people who passed their genes—the hay fever-causing ones included—on to me are celebrating another big day today. So if you happen to see my mom & dad—Dar & Chicky-poo—wish them a happy anniversary. I know I will when I take them out to lunch in a little bit!


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