Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday, 11/12

 To paraphrase a guy who wrote a thing or two a long time ago—to bake, or not to bake. That is the question.

This is usually the time of the year when my mind drifts to making Christmas cookies, and while it has drifted there it's for two entirely different reasons than usual. And, like everything else that's happened this year, that's thanks to 2020.

First of all, when I'm done writing this I'm going over to my parents to bake their Christmas cookies. Normally, I do this the weekend before the holiday, but because they're trying to escape the Covid wasteland that is Michigan by going to Florida this weekend (and not coming back until next Spring) I need to bake their cookies now so they can freeze them, take them down there with them, and enjoy eating them on the actual holiday along with other Christmas-like items along the lines of palm trees and ocean breezes.

Now, because of the fact that a big chunk of my family won't be here for the holidaze and because I'm guessing most people don't want food from people they don't live with, I've also made the decision not to, for the first time in decades, make many (if any) cookies to give to people. This is a big thing; normally, as you know, I make six or seven different kinds and give them out to family and friends. But this year, I'd feel weird giving them out to people, especially because you're supposed to avoid things like food from other people. And since the people I would not feel weird giving them to won't be here to get the cookies...

That's why I'm not making them this year.

Actually, I will be making one or two of the usual kinds, just because my girlfriend wants to munch on them and because there are a few other people who said they wouldn't mind eating them. But it won't be the full-blown, several day production, followed by the mass distribution of 30,000-some calories to the greater Marquette area. It was one of the only holiday traditions I had...but, like many things this year, that tradition has, sadly, bitten the dust.

Hopefully, though, just temporarily.

So, if you don't mind, I have to head six blocks down the hill to bake whatever I need to bake today. You better believe I'll enjoy doing it, as well, if only because I won't have the chance to do it again much this year.



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