Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tuesday, 11/28

Did you know that some people in the city of Marquette apparently can't read?

One of the things Loraine & I did on Thanksgiving Day was to head over to the Kaufman Sports Complex to play soccer. We don't often get to do that this late in the season, and we looked at it as a way to burn off all those calories we'd be eating in a few hours.

And based on what we did eat, I'm glad we played.

Anyway, the only pitch open this time of the year is one buried way in back, away from the road and anyone who may, you know, be looking. I mention that because three times while we were playing Thursday morning someone drove up in a car or a truck, got out, got their dog out, saw us, put their dog back in their vehicle, and drove away.

Because we were there they decided not to let their dogs run free, despite the fact that all three of them parked right in front of this sign--

Dogs are not allowed on soccer pitches at Kaufman because, you know, dogs poop. Yet the three individuals who drove up didn't care about the sign, and only left because there were humans there, humans who would see them violating the law. And that, of course, makes me wonder--

How many times a day do people let their dogs run wild on the pitch when no one's there to give them the evil eye?

The sign couldn't be any more obvious, especially to people parking right in front of it. And in all the years we've been playing, I've lost count of people who either don't read the sign or don't think that it applies to them. And it's only dog owners who seem to act that way, as I've yet to see someone golfing on the pitch, the other thing prohibited by the sign.

I've said this a zillion times before and I'm sure I'll say it a zillion times in the future. It's not all dog owners who do whatever they want with their animals; it's only 5% who seem to give the other 95% a bad name. Most dog owners in Marquette will happily keep their dog leashed, clean up after them, and don't let them run where they're not supposed to run. But there's a small group that seem to think the rules don't apply to them or that they're entitled to do what they want, especially if they try to sneak onto a soccer pitch where no one can see them.

Unless, of course, there are people already on the pitch, trying to burn off a few calories before Thanksgiving dinner.


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