Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wednesday, 7/15

I'm still wondering whether or not I should do it.

Those of you who've read these forever know that I have the world's strangest habit this time of the year. Every year, for the week leading up to Art on the Rocks, I count license plates. I see how many states are represented, and then make some kind of sweeping (and only occasionally correct) pronouncement about the state of the country.

If 2020 were a normal year, Art on the Rocks would be a week from this Saturday, which means my yearly count would begin this Monday. However, as we're all painfully aware, 2020 is NOT a normal year. Art on the Rocks has been cancelled, and I've been left wondering whether or not to do the count anyway.

I just haven't made up my mind yet.

I will admit, though, that I AM leaning toward doing it. After all, I'm kind of curious to see how many people are still visiting, and from which states they come. I'm assuming the number of different states will be way down this year, but you know what they say about assuming. I could be totally wrong about that. I've always counted plates during the week of Art on the Rocks just to make sure that I have a statistically valid year-to-year comparison. Well, even though the show's cancelled this year, by doing it during the same week it would be a great comparison, and a chance to see just how much of an effect Art on the Rocks—and Covid-19—has on people visiting Marquette.

There. In writing that paragraph I've convinced myself. The count will go on.

Thanks for your help!!


I need to thank daily blog reader Chicky-Poo of Marquette who, after reading yesterday's blog about the people on the beach (and their response to my warnings about E Coli in the water) sent me this meme--

I appreciate it, Dad!

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