Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday, 7/31

Farewell, July. We barely got to know ye.

I don't have a “favorite” month of the year, but if I did it might be July. Oh sure, the argument could be made for December, with the holidaze and my birthday all rolled into one,. But I think December would lose out on the argument for the very same reason that July might win it--

The weather.

July is (usually) warm and sunny & fun to play in. December (almost always) is not. That's why if I had to choose a favorite month, it would probably be July. Especially at the beginning of the month when the sun's high in the skies, the days are long and the nights are short, and you can walk around outside and not worry about various parts of your body falling off.

You can't say that about December.

And this July has been particularly nice. I mean, in the past week it's veered from hot & humid to cool and rainy, but for the first half of the month it was, at least for me, downright perfect. We had that 12-day string of 80 degree days, there were very few clouds in the sky, and I could go for countless walks on the beach or countless bike rides or soccer practice sessions with Loraine and not even have to think about it.

Once again, you couldn't do that in December.

Still, with all the stuff that's going on in the world these days, it just kind of seems, at least to me, that despite how good it's been this year's July could've been even better. Just from my own point of view, I might have (in a normal year) taken more time off of work to play outside, and while outside would not have had to worry if the station (or the world) was falling apart.

Even though it may sound like it, I'm not complaining. I'd take a strange July over even a mild December any time. You can just do the things I like to do with no problems at all in July. If I did have to complain about something, it would be that July is just too short.

Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about that.

So faretheewell, July. Thanks for making it fun this year. I just wish you were able to stick around a little longer.

On that note, I hop you enjoy your weekend...the first one of August!

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