Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thursday, 7/16

I'm sure I've written about this before, and I'm sure I'll write about it again, but...

There's no way it's half over, is there?


If you consider “summer” to be the months of June, July, and August, then at noon today, July 16th, the middle hour of the middle day of the middle month of “summer”, marks the halfway point of the season.

Yup. “Summer” is half way over already.

I don't mention it to bum you out, nor do I mention it to set myself up for an epic session of whining about the unfairness of it all. I just brought it up because my mind is blown by the simple fact that tomorrow the halfway point of a season for which I live but, because never ever seems long enough, even during those years (like this year) when we have sun & warmth and everything else you'd expect from the season.

“Summer”, we hardly knew ye.

This actually all came up while I was off on a half day Monday, running in the 78 degree heat, and sweating like a pig. Setting aside the question of whether or not pigs can actually sweat (can they?), it was one of those runs about which I (literally) dream. And as I was running and sweating like a pig, it occurred to me that it was July 13th, which is only three days before July 16th, the mid point of “Summer”...

Well, that's when the whole thing spiraled out of control.

I know there's nothing I can do about it, and I feel like I'm starting to venture into whining territory. And seeing as how I just did that a few days ago, I'll shut up about it now. But if you happen to see grey matter splattered here or there on Front Street in Marquette the next few days, don't worry. It's nothing serious.

It's just what's left over after my mind gets blown.

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