Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Wednesday, 3/4

I know exactly what we should do to practice proper “distance hygiene”, to make sure the Coronavirus doesn't keep spreading.

The only problem is...not everyone can do it.

Authorities around the world are telling people to do three things to try & slow the spread of the virus. You're being warned to not touch your face, and to constantly wash your hands. The third this is the practice of “distance hygiene”, in which you're not supposed to do things like shake hands, kiss strangers (if you're in Europe) or even high-five (if you're in the NBA). Basically, you're not supposed to touch people you don't know.

So how, then, do we greet people? Simple. The Vulcan hand salute.

Yes, I know I'm a dork, but hear me out. If we were all to adopt the Vulcan hand salute instead of shaking hands, kissing, or high-fiving, wouldn't that eliminate a possible way in which the Coronavirus (as well as cold & flu germs) could be transmitted?

Sound logical to me, as inhabitants of that planet would say, if a little, uhm, nerdy, as inhabitants of THIS planet would say.

Now, admittedly, there is a small problem or two with the idea. The first came up when I mentioned the idea to Loraine, who said it won’t work because she, like many people, can’t do the salute. And that, both surprised me and didn’t surprise me, in that I can do the salute easily, so I thought everyone can, and in that, unlike me, I’m sure no one else devoted hours of their childhood in an attempt to actually perfect the salute.

(Now, for those of you who DON’T know what the salute is, it’s holding your right hand up, with a gap between your middle and ring fingers. Your index and middle fingers are together, while ring and small fingers are together, as well. Click HERE to see what I’m talking about.)

And Loraine's not the only one. If you listen to the director’s commentary on the 2009 theatrical reboot of “Star Trek” JJ Abrams (the director) has a fine time going on about how Zachary Quinto, the actor who plays Spock, is one of the many people who can’t do the Vulcan salute. In fact, there Quinto was, playing the most famous Vulcan of all time, and they had to glue his fingers together in the one scene where he had to give the salute (to, ironically, Leonard Nimoy, also playing the most famous Vulcan of all time, and the guy who came up with the salute in the first place).

So if Loraine can’t do the Vulcan salute and Zachary Quinto can’t do the Vulcan salute and a large majority of the people in this country can’t do the Vulcan salute, I’m guessing that it’ll never replace the handshake as a form of greeting between people, no matter how germ-free it is.

But still, it does have its good points. Unlike handshakes, kisses, or high-fives, there is absolutely no skin to skin contact, and no way that viruses can be passed from person to person. And one could then logically infer that disease transmission, whether the Coronavirus or cold or flu, could be cut down drastically. And all it would take is for the entire planet to nerd up.

The entire planet would be willing to do that, right?


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