Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, 3/23

I wonder what the world will look like by the end of this week?

Having lived through a week in which the world was upended last week, I'm almost afraid to ask. If you had told me last Monday that the country would literally be shut down by Friday, I would've scoffed. I would've been wrong, but I would've scoffed. The rapidity with which our world changed was breathtaking and staggering, which makes me wonder--

Is there even anything left that can change as much as things changed last week?

I'm almost loathe to ask that question; after all, just look at what happened last week. Every time I think things can't get any more bizarre they do. As I write this, we're not under a stay-at-home or a total shutdown order. However, by the time you read this—and it might be just 10 minutes after I post this—we could be. That's the speed with which things move these days.

And that's why I'm wondering what the world—or at least our little part of the world—will look like by Friday.

Who knows; maybe, by some miracle, things won't be that different. Schools and restaurants may still be closed, and toilet paper may be conspicuously absent from the stores, but we'll still be able to get around. That could happen. But I also wouldn't be surprised if we were told to stay home and not go to work. If we were told we could only go to the stores on certain days or certain times. And I wouldn't be surprised if things just keep getting stranger in stranger.

Nothing would surprise me. Unless, of course, toilet paper re-appeared in stores.

THAT would surprise the heck out of me.


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