Friday, March 20, 2020

Friday, 3/20

I can't tell if it's the coolest thing ever or the scariest thing ever.

Following yesterday's blog about trying to put together a home studio should I need it, I now find myself in possession of a document that I never thought I would have, nor one that I ever thought I would actually want. Should the state come under a quarantine or a stay-at-home order, I have permission to leave my apartment and go to work, and not get arrested for doing it.

That's just waaaaay too weird for me.

However, radio is considered an essential service in this country, and is still, despite all kinds of social media floating around, one of the primary ways in which people get information. So it's not like we can just stop our lives and hunker inside with everyone else. We're licensed to operate in the “public interest”, and this is one of those times that literally define “public interest”.

Hence, we're an “essential service”.

However, that doesn't preclude still working on a backup system. Sure, if we were quarantined I could walk the three blocks to work no problem, but what were to happen if I were to become infected or just do something totally klutzy and totally in character and, say, break my leg? I could still work from home; after all, all you need a voice to do what I do, and propping my broken leg up on a couch or resting my weary body in bed would still allow be to do what we do.

Either way, we'll make sure you know what you need to know. And, perhaps more importantly, we'll also provide a little fun and a diversion from everything else that's going on. More than anything, I think that's the biggest role we can play these days, and one that we're actually relishing.

On that note, I have to go meet with an engineer about all this stuff. Have a peaceful weekend, and remember—no matter what happens, we'll be here.

The piece of paper I have says so.

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