Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, 9/24

I don't know if the article's that big of a deal. I do think the picture's kinda cute, though.

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, I was profiled yesterday  on Brian Cabell's “Word on the Street” blog. If nothing else, the interview proves that Brian has run out of interesting and/or important people with whom to speak because, as we all know, I'm about as interesting as the bottom of the barrel.

Which, apparently, he's scraping with this profile.


When we did the actual interview a couple of weeks ago he asked that I send him a few pictures that might show the readers the kind of person I am or have become. Since I was actually in the process of digitizing a bunch of my parents' pictures for the website I put together for them I sent him a few, and the one he used was this one--

Which, I think, is a picture that explains so perfectly how I grew up that I'm thinking of making it my new Facebook profile picture. I just don't know if I wanna upset the gargoyle in the one that I'm currently using.

The one thing I really like about the picture would be my stuffed Tigger. Like most kids of that age, I had a stuffed animal that I loved and that I carried everywhere, and that would be the Tigger doll shown in the picture. I'm not quite sure why; as far as I know, I was never a big fan of the Pooh stories, and I think I was just given the doll as a gift. But there sure was something about it, because I know that for several years it and I were inseparable..

Like most kids, I outgrew Tigger and, in all honesty, have no idea whatever happened to the stuffed animal. But whenever I see a little kid who's attached to a toy—whether it was my brother and his stuffed Bugs Bunny or his son with all the empty Talenti jars we give him—I always think back to that stuffed Tigger, and all the joy it seemed to give the six and seven year old version of me.


Some of the pictures NOT used in the profile?

Geeky Jim--

Sleepy teenage Jim--

And adult space nerd Jim--

Sure, I may have gotten older over the years, but I really haven't changed that much, have I?

(jim@wmqt.com), forever a dork.

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