Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday, 9/20

I haven't thought about it for a while. But now I wonder how I would do in it.

Those of you who've read these forever know that I'm quite physically active. I run, I workout, I bike, I soccer, and during the winter, I cross-country ski. That's one of the reasons, I'm guessing, that my doctor called me “medically boring” earlier this week. But with all that activity there's one I've hardly ever done, and one that I really don't like doing.

And that's taking part in an athletic competition.

I'm sure that stems from when I was a geeky kid and was always near the last in getting picked in gym class. I'm the first to admit it; I was never good at sports, especially team sports. That's just part of who I am. And even now, when I seem to be in fairly decent shape (especially for “someone my age”) it's not anything that interests me at all. In fact, I've gone through my whole life without entering any sort of competition at all.

Well, except for one. The old Superior 10 run.

Those of you who were around Marquette in the 90s and very early 00s may remember the race; it was always held the Saturday of Seafood Fest weekend (back, at least, when there was a Seafood Fest), which means that it was always held this time of the year. For almost a decade I would run the 5K race, prompted by Loraine's entering it one of the first years we were here and together. While she quit doing it I kept up, and although I'm not the best person to judge, I'd like to think I got pretty good at it. At my peak I was finishing in 22 minutes and change, and while I never won a medal or anything, that's fine. I wasn't racing against everyone else who had entered.

I was just racing against myself.

I stopped doing the race when they stopped offering it (after the old sponsor, the First National Bank, was bought out by Wells Fargo), and I haven't done an organized athletic event since. Oh, I think about the race every time I use one of the plastic cups I was given as race swag, and when I run on a crisp fall morning, especially by Lake Superior, I wonder how I would do if I was still running it. But that's okay. I still am racing, after all.

Even if it's only against myself.

On that note, have yourself a great weekend. I plan on running a bit; who knows, maybe even part of the old Superior 10 course, just to see how I would do. No matter what you end up doing I hope you get out and enjoy the warmth and nice weather while it's still here!

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