Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Wednesday, 4/3

It was interesting. It really was. But I'm glad I was given some time back.

My jury duty duty was limited yesterday; I was one of the people left not yet questioned after the jury was locked down. So I was able to go back to work, undo all the work I had taken care of Monday, and spend the rest of the day as I normally would.

So it wasn't too painful. Except, of course, for having to undo the work I did Monday. Maybe I'm weird, but I don't necessarily enjoy doing something Monday, then re-doing it Monday after being informed I have jury duty, then re-doing the re-doing Tuesday after I'm not selected for the jury. But maybe that's just me.

Of course, I'm still not off the hook yet. I still have two more Tuesdays ahead of my trip that I may be called in, and it is making it kind of hard to set things up. Twice yesterday I had someone ask if I was available for a meeting or get-together for next week, and twice I had to conditionally say I’d be there. I felt rather bad for one of those, as someone called me first (out of a group of 6) to set a time for something, trying to work around my schedule because it’s usually the wackiest, and here I had to apologize because I have no idea what my wacky schedule for next week will look like until next Monday afternoon.


I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m whining about my jury duty, because that’s not my intent. Like I wrote last month, I’ll happily do my civic duty. And I actually found the whole process of jury selection yesterday fascinating; the questions both sides ask, the determinations a judge has to make, as well as the collective breath held by those not yet chosen when the judge asks if the lawyers are happy with the jury they've chosen. It was really interesting. I just wish things could be a little more...firmly set, instead of prospective jurors having to call every week this month to find out if their schedules for the next day--indeed, for the immediate future--gets thrown out like a 3-week old piece of leftover lasagna.

But..what are you gonna do, right? In the end, I know I’ll suck it up and do what needs to be done, even if it happens to occur two more times in the next two weeks. I mean, I'm hoping it doesn't, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? Especially if you want to fulfill your part of living in a participatory constitutional republic.

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