Monday, December 17, 2018

Monday, 12/17

Maybe I should start paying more attention to these things.

I went running Saturday morning (in shorts again, I might add), as I do many mornings a week. And as I do many mornings a week, I was listening to music on my iPod while running. It was actually nice listening to my iPod while running yesterday morning, as my iPod contains no Christmas music, and while it IS the season for tunes like that, it's just nice to get away from their omnipresent nature for a little while.

Anyway, one of the songs that popped up when I was running was Van Halen's “Beautiful Girls”. I haven't heard the song for awhile, and the thing I first noticed was that, for a Van Halen song, the guitar is really buried in the mix. I mean, you can barely hear it at some times, which is weird when you consider that the part is being played by one of the greatest guitar players ever. There are times when the high hat (a cymbal) is louder than the guitar, and it just seems strange to me that the song was mixed that way.

I was still trying to figure out why the song was mixed that way when the song neared its end, and David Lee Roth sang a line. Now, normally I don't listen to Van Halen songs for the lyrics—that would be like eating ice cream for calcium content—but this particular line stuck out at me. The line?

“Get your cell phone down”.

Now, that line in and of itself isn't strange. There have probably been many songs with lines like “Get your cell phone down”. It only becomes weird when you realize the song was recorded in 1979, a full decade before cell phones even became available to the general public.

Does that mean the members of Van Halen were psychic when they wrote the song? That's what I was wondering when I went back and listened to Roth sing the phrase over and over. I mean, was it possible? Did the group's members have a wormhole into the future, and brought back the concept of cell phones a full decade before they came into use? Did they plant that cryptic line in “Beautiful Girls” just so someone in the 21st century would notice it and and then start to obsess about it, all while running along the shores of Lake Superior on a gloomy morning?

Uhm, no. Upon listening to the line for the 9th or 10th time I finally realized that David Lee Roth was NOT singing the line “Get your cell phone down”. Nope; after listening to the line for the 9th or 10th time I realized that was David Lee Roth was singing was THIS line--

“Get your self on down”.

Go ahead, say it real fast to yourself. See what I mean? While it may sound like “get your cell phone down”, that's not what you're saying, and it's not what David Lee Roth was singing. I, like people who have mis-heard lyrics for decades, was hearing something that wasn't there. The members of Van Halen weren't psychic. They didn't have a wormhole to the future. They weren't singing about cell phones.

Oops. My bad.

Maybe I should just give into the holidays and listen to Christmas music while running the rest of this week. After all, you can't misunderstand lyrics in Christmas tunes, right? I mean, they're simple, like in “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” when they sing about “Olive, the other reindeer”. You can't mis-hear a line like that, right?


(ps—thanks for all the nice notes regarding Friday's blog, another thing I discovered while running. I appreciate them!)

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