Friday, December 21, 2018

Friday, 12/21

My fingers smell like rosemary. Of course, they're also red at the moment, which means that there's something strangely weird going on. Or weirdly strange. You pick.

All the dough for my Christmas cookies has now been made, leading up to the mass orgy of baking I'm planning for tonight. That, of course, is why my fingers are confused. Last night I made the dough for two different cookies. The first accounts for the way they smell; that would be the lemon-rosemary cookies of which I've become so fond. This year, I decided to use fresh rosemary, which means that I had to tear off and cut up the leaves from the stems I bought. I'm glad I did it; the aroma from fresh rosemary made the dough smell amazing, a taste I hope will transfer to the cookies. But since I had to hold the rosemary by hand to tear and cut the oils from the herb transferred onto my fingers, where more than 12 hours later they still reside.

Of course, I LOVE rosemary, which means I think my hands smell heavenly. But that's just me.

Here's where the strangely weird (or weirdly strange) part comes in. My fingers smell like a green herb, yet look like they were attacked by a red one. The other cookie dough I made was for the cherry-chocolate explosions, which means that I had to cut up a jar of maraschino cherries. I don't know how much food coloring was placed in them, but by the time I finished cutting up the jar the fingers which I used were a very bright, almost neon red. They smelled like rosemary, mind you, but looked like they had gotten involved in an intimate relationship with a Twizzler.

They were that red.

No matter how many times I washed my hands (and I washed them a lot while making the dough, because I practice safe baking) the red coloring would not come out of my fingers. After taking a shower this morning the red coloring still didn't come out of my fingers, although it's faded a bit. I'm hoping it comes out soon; if not, I know that it'll eventually disappear as the skin cells on my fingers fall off.

Unless, of course, the dye in the cherries was so strong I gave myself a permanent tattoo cutting them up. THAT would be the gift that keeps on giving!

So hopefully, the red disappears soon. The scent of rosemary can stay if it wants, although that's disappearing at a much greater rate than the color. But who knows—maybe when I bake the cookies tonight I can get a little of the smell to rub off on my hands. To play it safe, though, I may use gloves when making the cherry cookies.

Just in case.


This will be the last original blog for a few days. I'll post the annual Christmas Eve one Monday, and then be back with something new on Wednesday. Have yourself a great holiday weekend, a Merry Christmas, and, hopefully, dye-free fingers!

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