Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday, 3/22

Which way does your toilet paper hang?

I ask this because, unbeknownst to me, a huge controversy regarding which way your toilet paper roll is “supposed” to hang once you put it up has yet again come to the fore. I noticed it on Facebook yesterday  (much like the "typing dinosaur" thing of a few days ago) after one of my friends posted something about it, knowing that she would stir up a little controversy by doing so. There's apparently a large, vocal group of people who are adamant that the tube must hang with the paper coming over the top of the roll. There's another large, vocal group of people who insist that the tube must hang with the paper coming from the bottom of the roll. And as far as I can tell, a member of one of those very vocal groups will never, ever agree that the other group is correct.

You thought politics in this country was splitting the nation in two? Heck, that's child's play compared to how you hang your toilet paper!

I myself could not care less which way the roll is hung. If the paper comes off the top, fine. If the paper comes off the bottom, that's equally as fine. After all, it's just toilet paper. There are way too many problems in the world on which people should be concentrating and devoting their time and energy to solving. But which way the toilet paper hangs?

Probably not so much.

Of course, and as usual, I seem to be the oddball out in this situation. I didn't realize this was a problem. I didn't realize people had such strong feelings about the subject. I didn't realize that this was situation that's tearing at the very fabric of our country. But apparently, after reading some of the comments people have posted on Facebook posts and under news articles on the subject, it is. In fact, there are a ton of websites devoted to which was is “right” and which way is “wrong”. So in the future, when you sit down with your extended family at a holiday dinner, here are the topics you should NOT bring up while eating--

Toilet paper.

That's okay. You can thank me later.


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