Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday, 11/6

It would be a hard choice. It really would.

Loraine and I did something just a little out of the ordinary Saturday. We took her car for a little ride and went down to Aldi in Escanaba. The fact that we had to drive 70 miles—to a town with half the population of Marquette—to visit an Aldi is bizarre in and of itself. We went down, bought the things we like to buy when we visit the Aldi near where her parents live (and that town, Caro, only has a third of Marquette's population), and then scooted home.

Oh, and Iron Mountain, a town with also only a third of Marquette's population, is about to have their own Aldi open. Are you sensing that something's amiss here?


On the way back we got into a discussion regarding Aldi, a store we like to visit when downstate, and Trader Joe's, a store we frequent while in Chicago. And that got us to thinking—if you could only choose one, which would it be?

Hard choice, right?

In a way, the stores are very much the same, in that they have slightly different products than most stores, and some of those products are amazing. Because they're both stocked with their own brands, their prices are different than at “normal” grocery stores, as well. I suppose both of those are things that draw us to them. You could also consider the fact that Aldi's based in Germany and has some cool European products but Trader Joe's has one of the best selection of chocolates anywhere and, well, you can see why it might be a hard choice.

Even Meryl Streep probably couldn't help us choose.

I don't think we ever actually came anywhere close to a decision, other than the conclusion that we're far more likely to get an Aldi than we are a Trader Joe's. Of course, in a normal world we already would have an Aldi, while towns with a third of our population would say “when are we getting ours”? But that's neither here nor there. The road trip prompted a question, a question that—at least for now—has no answer.

But at least the road trip gave us all kinds of goodies to nibble upon for the next few months.  Or, at least, until some sign that Marquette may indeed be getting its own Aldi.  Keep your fingers crossed!


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