Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursday, 3/30

You know...maybe one of these days I'll actually get it right.

I don't watch myself on TV a lot. I think I look like a dork, and I see all the little things I should have done or did do wrong, even though absolutely no one would ever have noticed them in the first place. I am, indeed, my own worst critic.

But every so often I do come across something I've done, and while on occasion I am actually happy with what I did, the picture of me doing so makes me shudder in horror. You know, like the post talking about the “Life in the 906” I did this past Monday evening.

Don't believe me?

Yup; that is indeed me looking like a chimpanzee throwing a temper tantrum when it doesn't get its eighth banana for the day. All I'm doing is laughing, just like Sarah, but for some reason she looks normal and I look the aforementioned chimpanzee,

Which is probably why she works in TV and I'm stuck in radio.

It's actually just the luck of the freeze. If the screen-grab had been a second later or a second earlier, I may indeed have looked like a normal person (or, at least, as normal as I can look). But this particular shot? It caught me right at the moment when I decided to attempt a world record and look dorkier than anyone else in the history of dorkdom.

And you know what? I may have just succeeded.

I am, of course, mostly jesting. I mean, I do think I look like a dork, although probably not the dorkiest of dorks in the history of dorkdom. I know I'm just being hyper-critical about the way I look (like, you know, a dork). But aside from that, I also think the picture captures something that I hope comes through each and every week I do those little bits on the news--

That we actually have a lot of fun doing them. It's not the kind of segment you usually see on a local newscast, and I'm really thankful that they asked me to do them. As I've said in here many times, my life has taken many strange twists and turns over the past decade, and I never know where those twists & turns may lead. In this case, they led to something rather unique and, as I said, a whole lot of fun.

Even if I DO look like the dorkiest dork in the history of dorkdom while doing them.



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