Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Wednesday, 3/17

 Well, it happened again.

First of all, happy St. Patrick's Day. As someone who is 14% Irish, I suppose it's a day I should celebrate. And I am, but in a very weird, Jim-like way. Remember a few weeks ago when I woke up with an idea for a video on the history of the ore dock fully formed in my head? Well, I was sitting at work yesterday afternoon. I was just a few minutes until I was supposed to leave, in fact, and I was thinking about what I have to do today, St. Patrick's Day.

And that's when it hit me.

A few minutes later, I had a script written. I recorded the audio before I left work, and then I multi-tasked at home, eating dinner while editing video. Ninety minutes after I had an idea while staring at my big wall calendar at work, this was done--

I don't know where these bursts of inspiration come from. I don't know if I should be happy I get them, or if I should be worried that they're starting to control my brain. It's just....strange to have these things happen. I guess I means that I'm in some kind of zone, much like an athlete might be on a good day.

I have no idea.

Hopefully, they'll keep coming and I'll be able to do something good with them. If they disappear; well, I have no idea how I started to get them in the first place, so I guess that's fair. But if they do keep coming, maybe one will pop up that'll make me, oh, a million bucks. I mean, if I can put that request into my subconscious, maybe it'll listen.

And maybe, just maybe, some day pigs will fly and the Lions will get into the Super Bowl.



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