Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tuesday, 3/16

 I had forgotten all about the pictures.

First of all, happy St. Urho's Day. Hope you're wearing purple and, if you're Finnish, eating whatever it is that would be considered a Finnish national dish. So...squeaky cheese for everyone?

I'll go for that.

Now, onto the pictures I had forgotten about. I used my phone over the weekend to take a picture, a picture you'll see in a second. While I was looking for it, I noticed a whole bunch of pictures taken during the same month, but a different year. Apparently, I used my phone to take a bunch of shots of life as the pandemic was just starting a year ago, kind of my way of documenting what we were going through during an unprecedented time.

Little did I know we'd still be going through it a year later. Back then, there were empty streets--

And messages of hope--

And at least we now have toilet paper. I wonder how many people actually took this store up on their offer?

The state of Michigan's first lockdown began a year ago today. It's been quite the 365 days, hasn't it?


The picture I took this weekend that caused me to notice all the other shots? Well, Loraine and I received a package from daily blog readers Floyd & Betsy in downstate Reese. Mom & Dad #2 had a few Christmas gifts they found but hadn't send, and included among them a bag of chips they found at their local Aldi store. Now, I don't know if they're aware of my obsessive love of these particular sandwiches, but I do have to say—these chips are almost as good as the sandwiches themselves--

Thanks for the yummy gift, Mom & Dad #2!!


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