Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday, 11/27

Am I missing out on something by not eating stuffing?

We did our “Tuesday Topic” on the air yesterday and asked people about the food they most enjoy on Thanksgiving. And I have to admit I was a little surprised when the winner was stuffing. Not turkey, not pumpkin pie, my two favorites, but stuffing.


I think this proves a couple of things, one being that it's further evidence I'm not like other human beings. I've never liked stuffing, and I don't know that I ever will. I don't know why; I like many of the ingredients that go into stuffing. But I guess I've just never liked the overall end result, per se, of stuffing. I don't know if it's the flavor, the texture, or the fact that it's usually shoved up a turkey's butt to cook. For whatever reason, I personally don't like stuffing.

But I know I'm in the minority here. I know that every other single person with whom I traditionally share my Thanksgiving dinner adores the dish. And they're probably happy I don't like it. After all, it just means more for them. From the sounds of it, I'm guessing this would also get replayed in any other households where there are a bunch of stuffing lovers and one naysayer. The people who love the dish—the vast, vast majority of people—get a little more because there's one person who, for whatever rational or (ahem) irrational reason doesn't like it.

You at any Thanksgiving dinner where I'm a guest. Unless, of course, someone figured out a way to make it with chocolate. Then maybe, just maybe, I might consider it.



On that note, I hope that you and everyone with whom you might celebrate has a great day tomorrow. I'll be back both on the air and here (with a great list from the past) Friday should you find yourself so insanely bored that you don't have anything else to do.

Happy Thanksgiving.  And I hope you survive the crap Mother Nature's throwing at us today.  As I type this, we (in Marquette) have three inches of slush that, I'm guessing, will soon freeze and be with us until March.  And that's nothing compared to what people away from Lake Superior are facing.

Yikes.  Stay safe!

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