Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tuesday, 7/25

The count is off to a smashing start.

Those of you who've been reading this for a long time know that I have a very bizarre habit during the final week of July, the week leading up to Art on the Rocks here in Marquette. For the whole week, Monday through Sunday, I keep track of every single different state and Canadian province from which I see a license plate. Then at the end of the week, I see just from how many different states and Canadian provinces Marquette has visitors.

Yes, I know it's weird. But I think I've been doing it for almost 20 years. Why would I stop now?

I'm not quite sure why I started doing it, although I'm sure the geography nerd in me is responsible. No matter how it started, I've now come to look forward to see what the little “survey” brings. Over the years, I've been able to follow the explosive growth of tourism in Marquette, and over the years, I've found that the final number accurately reflects how the national economy is going. During the depths of the Great Recession, I only saw plates from 17 different states. Last year, with a strong economy, I saw 45 different license plates.

So you see? I'm not just a nerd. I'm a social scientist, too.


Anyway, as I always do, I started the count when I went running yesterday. 40 minutes later, I was home writing down the names of 16 different states, which really isn't too bad when you consider I was just running up & down the hills of downtown Marquette. I can't say I'm surprised by the number. After all, this was the low hanging fruit, the Michigans, the Wisconsins, the Minnesotas, and all the other states you expect to see on the street on a daily basis. The one surprise?

The second plate I saw yesterday morning, right after seeing a Michigan plate, was one from Hawaii. And it was a legit Hawaii plate, too. It was on the back of the car, which means one of two things—either someone had their vehicle shipped over from the islands, or I missed the news about a new bridge being built between the state and the mainland.

I'm guessing it was probably the former.

I have no idea how the survey will turn out this year. It could approach the numbers of last year, because I know the area has gotten so much media attention recently. Of course, those numbers could also be down, thanks to things like our crappy weather and lessening consumer confidence nationwide. That's why I do this bizarre count—to see how it turns out.

So if you see me walking around Marquette the next few days and it seems like my head is on a swivel, I'm not having some kind of attack. I'm just looking at every single license plate I can see.

(jim@wmqt.com), dork.

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