Monday, October 30, 2023

Monday, 10/30

Spare time? What's that?

I was having a discussion with several people on the set of “High School Bowl” Friday morning, and I heard a phrase I'm beginning to hear with some regularity these days. Once it was discovered that I have a full-time job, two part-time TV gigs, and all my History Center stuff, all jobs that require a little mental and/or creative work, someone (hi, Dakota!) uttered the phrase I hear a lot--

“Do you have any spare time in your life”?

First of all, thanks for asking. Second of all, I really enjoy what I'm doing, so in the end, does it really matter?

And thirdly—, I don't.

This past weekend was a perfect example; aside from the usual weekend chores like laundry, grocery shopping, getting a Covid booster, and playing soccer with Loraine, I spent several hours writing and producing my TV piece for tonight, then started to try & put together my part of the “Legends and Lore” show Jack & I are doing at Kaufman in January, went trick or treating with my favorite 6 and 4-year olds in the world, felt crappy for a bit because of the Covid booster, researched a newspaper article I have coming up, developed and wrote a few UP-themed questions for “High School Bowl”, and wrapped it up by writing this.

So let me check here...nope. No spare time. But you know what? I don't know if I'd be able to function with a lot of spare time. I get bored easily, and having something—or in this case, many things-- to occupy my brain keeps me on the edge of my toes. Besides, I enjoy what I do. Writing, researching, and finding new ways to tell stories excites me more than puttering around the garage (which I don't have) or cleaning out the pantry (which I really DO need to do).

Now, if it was summer, I might scale back on that workload a little bit so I could go play out in the sun, but did you SEE the weather we had this past weekend? Trust me—if it's gonna be like that outside, them I'm gonna do something I actually enjoy.

After all, I can freeze my butt off every day I walk to work from October to April.

So no, Dakota, I don't have a lot of “spare time”. But you know what? I actually (for the most part) enjoy it. But for now (and this could some day change) I enjoy it more than puttering in the garage or cleaning out the pantry.

Even if that really DOES need to get done soon.



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