Monday, August 12, 2019

Monday, 8/12

You made it through another weekend. Congrats!

I myself had the usual blast at Ore To Shore on Saturday. If nothing else, kudos have to go out to the organizers and all the volunteers running the event. I think that there were more racers this year than ever before, and from what I’ve heard, things went quite smoothly. So if you helped out in any way during the event, pat yourself on the back. You deserve it!

Just make sure you don’t sprain anything while doing it.

Also, I have to mention a comment I saw on Facebook over the weekend. A person who I thought was normal, a person who I've known for a long time outside of social media, a person who does a lot of good work for the community, shocked me by what she posted. What did she say?

“I just wish Fall would hurry up and get here”. really didn’t mean that, did you? That was just something you wrote in the (pardon the pun) heat of the moment, right? You really don’t want cold temperatures, dying leaves, and the distinct possibility of snow, do you? Summer is so short and so fleeting around here; you really can’t want what little nice weather we have to leave, to be replaced by the 8 or 9 months of horrid weather we can experience at the drop of the hat?

At least I’d hope you wouldn’t.

Autumn’s gonna be here soon enough; in fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if we experienced a really fall-like day this week or the next. I know that this summer has been a bit weird for people, especially with the fact that it didn't really start until the end of June, and we kinda had an over-the-top July, but that doesn’t mean you should wish it all away. After all, we haven't had a lot of what we would consider a “normal” summer day this year; most have been too cold for some people and too hot for others. Why wouldn't you want a shot at at least a few “normal” summer days?

Now, I do realize that some people like to complain about the weather. Heck, even I’ve been known to do it once or twice a year. So now that we're on the lee side of the season (there's only half of August left, after all) enjoy what’s left of the season. After all, fall will be here soon enough, and pretty soon you’ll have the chance to be saying something like “I just wish Spring would hurry up and get here”.

I know that’s what I’ll be saying!

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