Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wednesday, 6/26

Guess what I'm gonna do for the first time all year today? If you said, “Well, Jim, I'm guessing you'll be taking a half day and going to the beach”, you're right.

And you've probably been reading these since the age of the dinosaurs, too.

For those of you who don't know, I take the vast majority of my non-Europe vacation days during the summer, on days when the sun is out and the temperatures are warm. I spend a couple of hours just doing whatever I want outside, then go back to work and do what I need to do. Since it takes a lot of effort to take a whole day off, this way makes a lot more sense, and it's a system that I've honed over the past decade and a half.

I'm really looking forward to it, too. I think this might be the latest in the year that I've taken my first half day. Of course, with the weather we've had so far this year I'm not surprised. I just know I've REALLY been looking forward to walking on a warm beach and soaking up the sun, and it's something I get to do a short while after I post this.

Woo hoo!!

However, before I actually do that I suppose I should fulfill my promise from yesterday. You remember this picture, right?

I posted it when talking about the “And Put Up A Parking Lot” tour I'm doing for the History Center two weeks from today, and I wondered if you knew what the building was and where it was located. Since I told you I'd give you the answer today, and since I try really hard to be a person of my word, here 'tis--

That's the original First Baptist Church of Marquette, a beautiful sandstone structure that burned to the ground in the early 1960s. They rebuilt after the fire at their current location near NMU, and now their original home—on the southeast corner of Front & Ridge—is the parking lot of the Landmark Inn.

More stories like that two weeks from today.

Okay...I did what I said I would. Now I'm going to the beach!!!

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