Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday, 2/13

Maybe the seventh time will be the charm.

To absolutely no one's surprise I'm writing this this morning because the shoot for “High School Bowl” has been canceled yet again. It's the sixth straight attempt that's been nixed because of weather, and as those of you who've been playing along at home know it was one of two opportunities we had this week to actually get a show produced that can air Saturday night.

Let's hope the streak ends Friday. Otherwise, that hour of static will look quite nice this weekend on Public TV 13.

(And speaking of the weather, 16 and a half inches of snow before midnight last night?  Plus whatever fell after midnight?  Geez!)

I am, however, hoping to take advantage of the quick turnaround by slipping a very topical question into this week's show (assuming, of course, there IS a show this week). I'm hoping something really big and/or really stupid happens either today or tomorrow so I can quiz the students about it. Because we're usually six or seven weeks ahead that's something we can't usually do, and I'm kind of hoping it'll keep those people convinced we actually do the show live that we do show live.

Let 'em keep believing. That's how Santa Claus stays alive & relevant, right?


Aside from the fact that it's been playing havoc with our TV schedule, I'm also more than ready for this crap to end and end soon. I went running (on mostly unplowed streets) before writing this, and between the snow on the roads and whatever sand had been thrown on plowed roads it was like running on a beach. I usually don't mind running on a beach; after all, it's good exercise, and, you know, you're on a beach. But when I run on a beach in the summer I don't have to worry about frostbite, nor do I have to worry about slipping on a patch of ice under the sand, two things that I did have to deal with this morning.

So given the choice between running on a real beach and running on a man-made winter beach, I know which one I'll choose, each and every time.

Hope you're surviving the latest affront to humanity okay. Keep your fingers crossed any damage it causes is gone by Friday. After all, we have just one more shot at getting a TV show on the air this weekend!

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