Friday, November 2, 2018

Friday, 11/2

And happy birthday to my favorite brother in the world!

Okay, technically, he's my only brother, so that makes him the favorite by default. But that's not the point. Marc, the baby of the family, turns another year older today. And much like other babies of families, he's (in a good way) in a class all his own. As an example, I give you the following blog, written on his birthday nine years ago, right after he did a very Marc-like thing.

So Happy Birthday, Marc. I hope you have a great day, and that Tiffanie & the dudes make it even better!

(, off to shoot another episode of “High School Bowl”, the 41st season premiere of which is tomorrow (hint hint)!


(as originally posted 11/2/09):

I should’ve known from the gleam in his eyes that something was up.

Friday, when I was walking up & down Third Street in Marquette for Halloweekend (a smashing success, by the way) I saw a familiar truck parked in front of me while I was doing one of my cut-ins. In the truck sat my brother, with one of those grins (you know, the human waste-eating kind) on his face.

“Just remember that I’m your little brother’, said he. “Just remember that you love me”. And with that, he drove off.

Believe it or not, I was pretty sure what he was referring to when he said that, and my suspicions were confirmed when I walked home and saw this—

That’s right; that’s my car, wrapped up in two rolls of plastic wrap, a gift from not only my brother, but my sister and two of my nieces as well.

A Koski family Halloween tradition had been reborn.

Back when he was just a punk and I was in college, I would always come home for Halloween weekend. I would then dress up as a ghoul and scare kids who came by for trick or treating (something I actually continued doing until my parents moved into their condo a few years ago), often assisted by my brother. And for several years during that span, I would then awake the next morning to find my car “mysteriously” covered in toilet paper.

You’d never guess who did that.

Anyway, when we were at my niece Mallory’s birthday lunch a couple of weeks ago, my brother brought up the fact that it’s been awhile since my car was “mysteriously” covered in anything for Halloween. So when I saw that gleam in his eye Friday, I had a vague idea of what caused that gleam; this time around, though, he was aided and abetted by three other people.

I guess he’s getting old and can’t do it himself any more!

Speaking of which, I KNOW he’s getting old, because today’s birthday. So Happy Birthday, Marc. Glad you guys had a good time plotting the wrapping of Jim’s car, 2009. And you know what you’re getting for your birthday?

A roll of plastic wrap. Because I have a sneaking suspicion you may be out of whatever rolls you had before. . .

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