Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday, 11/21

Who knew so many people also miss Big Lots?

After writing yesterday's entry about how I've missed the store since it closed its doors in Marquette a couple of years ago, I was stunned by the batch of e-mails I received from people who said that they too missed wandering around its aisles, looking at some merchandise that no one in their right mind would like while at the same time stumbling across the occasional hidden treasure tucked in the shelves.


Now, I'm sure the e-mails I received are not a proper sample size, and may just reflect the fact that people with a skewed outlook on things read this (or are at least driven to send me notes). But the outpouring of affection I received about the store makes me wonder why it pulled up stakes in Marquette in the first place. I mean, I know it closed because it “lost” its lease (corporate-speak for “they just didn't want to be here any more”), but obviously there were people who enjoyed going there. And if you extrapolate the number of people who sent me notes, factor it into how many people read this on a daily basis, and then extrapolate that number into the current population of Marquette County...

Well, actually, I have no idea what that number would be, or even if it would mean anything. But it just seems to me that the store, while here, banked a lot of goodwill among the people who visited it. At least, that's what I inferred by reading the e-mails I received yesterday.

Thanks for sending them along. Now, Big Lots, if you ever wanted to come back into the market, I know a group of people who would be there waiting for the doors to open!



Before I go I have to do one thing, and that's wish the Most Amazing Woman in the World a happy birthday! That's right; it's Loraine's big day today, and while she's luxuriating in a day off of work (she's one of those lucky people who gets their birthday as a paid day off), and enjoying the birthday cookies I made for her last night (pecan chocolate chip, if anyone's curious), I just wanna make sure that this is another of the 12 or 13 ways in which I'll be wishing her a great day. I know I write in here all the time about the incredible stuff she does and about how she helps makes me a better person, and I appreciate the fact that you allow me to do so. I can't imagine what life would be like without her, and I'm just overjoyed that I get to celebrate it with her.

So happy birthday, Loraine!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs, kisses, and all that good stuff,

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