Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tuesday, 1/24

It's a good thing I didn't go out and buy a snowboard.

For (I think) the second year in a row, the Downtown Marquette Rail Jam has been canceled due to weather. The Rail Jam is when they close off several blocks of Front Street and then set up a snowboard course that runs from the Landmark Inn down to the Vierling. It's amazing in a couple of ways; the day before the event, in fact, when they put the course together seems almost a popular as the event itself.

But not this year. With the warmth we've been having and the warmth we're still scheduled to have the conditions just aren't favorable for it, and the organizers decided to cancel it before investing a lot of time and money into the project. After all, this is what downtown Marquette looks like right now--

This is looking across Front Street, where the course was scheduled to be set up. I took this picture yesterday afternoon...January 23rd.  Yes, JANUARY 23rd.  And if the event is still a week and a half way, a week and a half with temperatures mostly forecast to be above freezing...well, you can see why they made the decision they made.

So far, the other two big winter events in Marquette are still a go. The Noquemanon is Saturday, and the organizers said yesterday they're confident the whole course will still be around and ready to race. I have the feeling this will be one of those years when I'll be announcing the names at the finish line surrounded by mud and snow trucked in from outside the city, but as long as it works, that's what matters. Then there's the UP 200 in three weeks. Hopefully, the conditions will be okay for that, although with the way things are going this year, it wouldn't surprise me if it was 65 and the lilacs were blooming that weekend.

Let's hope not. I mean, you know how much I love lilacs, but I'm thinking February might just be a little too early for them, even this year.

In the meantime, I'll just keep running every morning in shorts and keep my fingers crossed that the rest of Marquette's major winter events go off as planned. Having one causality among them is bad enough; any more than that would border on the tragic.

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