Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Tuesday, 2/20

 What's the use of having a nice picture window if this is all you can see?

We use the window at the station to do a lot of things—checking the weather, informing people about road conditions, and seeing what's going on in and around downtown Marquette, all so we can tell our listeners about it. But you know what?

It's kind of hard to do so when you can't actually see what's going on.

Over the past couple of months we've had this problem. Someone who works for a business in the building next to us has parked that big-a$$ van right in front of the station, despite a plethora of parking spots in the neighborhood. We've asked—nicely--for them not to do it, and for the most part they've respected what we're trying to do. But one employee of theirs doesn't seem to have gotten the memo. Sometimes it's just for a few minutes, and sometimes it's all day, but their van is quite often stuck right in front of our window.

It wouldn't matter if it was a normal vehicle, like a car, or even a pickup. But a van that's nine feet tall with no windows to see through is a problem. It's like having a giant steel wall parked right in front of you. It's funny, too...until that van started parking in front of the station I had no idea that vans that huge were even sold to the general public. Now I see them everywhere I go.

Of course, technically, they're doing nothing wrong. They're just utilizing a legal parking spot. But the size of the vehicle is the issue. Hopefully as the weather gets warmer and they're out in the field working more, this won't be a problem. Otherwise, we may have to ask them nicely yet again not to block our view. Like I said, they're not doing anything wrong, but I'd also hope they'd take into consideration what we're trying to do and how the sheer size of the van is making it harder for us to do it. And I know we're not the only ones to whom it's causing issues. You should see what parents have to do when it's parked there and they're trying to drop their kids off for class at the dance studio above us.

In the world-wide scheme of things it's not important at all. However, when you're trying to do your job, it IS a pain in the butt. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.


Speaking of doing my job, I have been, which means that tomorrow I may get to share some news about something new we're doing, something many of you have been asking for for years. Stay tuned!


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