To quote a great American, when I'm wrong I say I was wrong.
And boy, was I wrong about this.
As you may recall, when we last met I expressed a little skepticism about the possibility of a winter storm actually occurring, going so far as to post a picture of what it was like before it all began--
Well, if you're wondering how my prediction turned out 24 hours later, here's your answer--
Yup. I might have been a little off in my prediction. Just a little.
And that's just what it looked like here in downtown Marquette, where we really haven't had a storm like this in almost two years. Away from the city and away from the lake things were probably twice as bad, with more snow, higher winds, and additional junk that we didn't have to face here. I'm not surprised that almost literally every single school and business in the area was closed.
And since it's just starting to wind down, I'll be curious to see how many of them are closed today.
In a way, of course, I'm glad that if it had to happen that it happened this week. Can you imagine if I was trying to get to or from Florida, like I'm planning on next week? That would not be fun, and my heart goes out to anyone who's had a flight canceled or re-routed the past few days.
Let's just hope everything's back to normal by Tuesday. I'm going to delve into the cancellation list now, and see what's open & what's closed. After all, I'm sure that, with everyone still digging out, the former will outpace the latter.