Thursday, December 5, 2024

Thursday, 12/5

Well, sad to say, welcome to winter. Looks like there's nothing we can do about it this time around.

As I look out my window this morning, and knowing that Marquette is usually one of the lower snow-totaled communities in Upper Michigan, I’m guessing that many of you throughout the U.P. are staring at over a foot of the white stuff on top of the two or three feet you received last weekend. Cheer up, though; after all, it’ll only be around for, oh, the next 5 or six months.


Five months. And before you think I’m kidding, you know I’m not. After all, we've had many years where we've had beginning in the middle of May. And if you add five months to today, you know what you get?

Yup. The beginning of May, 2025.

So how am I gonna survive five months of stir-crazy cabin fever, especially after our non-winter winter last year? I have no idea; hopefully, I won’t end up standing out in the street naked yelling at the snow gods for making my life miserable (although that WOULD be a neat way for me to get into the Police Log, wouldn’t it?). I guess that over the next five months, I just hafta adjust my lifestyle. I won’t be able to spend as much time outdoors, I won’t be wandering around the area taking as many pictures, and I won’t be wearing shorts very much. Instead, I’ll sit inside and read a little more. Plus, I have History Center shows and videos to work on, and my weekly TV gig to write. And I’ll check off events like Christmas, New Year’s, the Noque, and Valentine’s Day, knowing that each event we go through means we’re one little step closer to the return of green (or at least brown) grass, sunshine, and sweat rolling down your back as you go running without 14 pieces of clothing covering up your body.

Yes, I know I’m a walking oxymoron. Yes, I know that for someone who was born in the U.P. I shouldn’t complain about winter, I should instead celebrate it. It’s just that, you know, it’s winter.

And it’s here for the foreseeable future.

A few pictures from my walk to work this morning--


Because I get a birthday day off, I'm taking it tomorrow instead of yesterday. If you're listening on air, you'll hear a “best of”. If you come back here, you'll see this very same entry. Back with something brand-new both on the radio and here (and on TV, as well) Monday!


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