Apparently I'm swearing to myself in German quite a bit these days.
Actually, let me rephrase that a little. I don't know a lot of German, but among the phrases I do know are “Mein Gott” and the all-purpose German declarative “Scheisse”. Every so often these days, either to keep my vocal chords limber or to express general bemusement at the way the world is going, I'll let loose with one of those phrases.
If things are going really well I might even use both.
I don't know why I started doing it; after all, if I were going to swear in a foreign language you'd figure it would be French, right? But nope; for some strange reason, if I need to let loose with an epithet, it's in German. I don't know if there's something kind of guttural or ephemeral about German, or if it's because they're used a lot in that “Luna & Sophie” TV show I told you about a few weeks ago, but it just seems a little more satisfying to let loose in that language, for whatever reason.
Yes, I need help. What's your point?
I suppose I could break it up a little. I suppose I could use Google Translate and see those phrases in different languages. For instance, I could shout out “mano dieve“ or „môj Bože“ or „tanrım “ if I wanted to use Lthuanian or Slovak or Azerbaijani, respectively. And I could replace „Scheisse“ with „bok“, „merda”, “lapoa “ in Turkish, Portugese, or Samoan, should I feel like it.
If I wanted to.
I may have to put that on my list of things to do, which means that I'll be getting to it by, uhm, June of 2027. But until then, I still have the old German fallbacks upon which to fall back. I just wish I knew why I actually started doing it, just like I wish I knew how I do most things in my life these days.
Mein Gott!!!
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