Monday, July 25, 2022

Monday, 7/25

It's a question that's just begging to be asked.

I was out working on a project over the weekend when I came across something I have never seen before. I never, not even once in my life, thought I would see anything like it. And that's why I do have to ask the question--

Why did someone leave an open can of tuna on the dashboard of their sealed car on a hot, sunny summer day?

Seriously; this begs SO many questions that the why of it is just the lead-off. So I'll start with that. Just WHY would someone open a can of tuna, take what appears to be a bite, and then leave it on their dashboard? Were they not aware that, in the hot sun, the tuna would turn rancid quite quickly? And did they not know that the tuna, as it was turning rancid, would then turn their car into the giant mobile approximation of what the world's worst cat food might smell like? And did they now know that the possibility exists that that smell might never (ever) leave their car?

See? So many questions, so few answers.

Now, it could be that the person opened the tuna, intending to have it for lunch, but was so put off by the smell and/or the taste that they couldn't stomach it. I get that; I realize that the taste of tuna is not for everyone. But to then leave it in the sun on the dashboard of a car with its windows rolled up?

I just don't get it. Unless the tuna was a late-night snack and there was alcohol involved. Then, I get it. And I would pay big money to be standing nearby when that person sobered up and opened their car door.

But for now, the mystery of the opened can of tuna remains just that. A mystery. And yet another sign that if you drive everywhere, as opposed to walk everywhere, you miss out on seeing things you never ever thought you would see.


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